LSR - Survey / Site Map
Author / Biblio Bernd A. Laska
Intro LSR (in english)
Julien Offray de La Mettrie
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Julien Offray de La Mettrie - his life, work, impact
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The Negation of the Irrational Super-ego in Lamettrie
- Introduction to Lamettrie: Der Mensch als Maschine (Man a Machine)
- Introduction to La Mettrie: Über das Glück (On Happiness - or Anti-Seneca)
- Introduction to Lamettrie: Philosophie und Politik (Preliminary Discourse; System of Epicurus)
- Introduction to La Mettrie: Die Kunst, Wollust zu empfinden (The art of experiencing sensuality)
- Panajotis Kondylis - an unintentional inspiration for LSR - Biblio Kondylis
- The reception of Lamettrie after 1985
- A repatriation that failed
re: the edition of La Mettrie's »uvres philosophiques« by Fayard
La Mettrie - rapatriement raté (en français)
- La Mettrie: Die 4-bändige deutsche Werkausgabe
(works in German, 4 vols., 1985-87)
Max Stirner
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Max Stirner, a durable dissident - in a nutshell
(in English)
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Max Stirner - his life, work, impact
(texto in Interlingua)
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The Negation of the Irrational Super-ego in Max Stirner
Nietzsche's initial crisis (due to confrontation with Stirner's book)
(in English)
- The "Owner" in Max Stirner
- The Individual Anarchists and Max Stirner
- Introduction to »Max Stirner. Ein dauerhafter Dissident« (A Durable Dissident)
- Stirner - a thinker difficult to accept
- Break the Ban ! - Part 1: Stirner, Marx, Marx researchers
- Break the Ban ! - Part 2: Stirner, Nietzsche, Nietzsche researchers
- Max Stirner - is he contemptuous of "Practice" ?
- p.s.: Karl Marx - a noisy sneaker
- "Tertiary repression" (of Max Stirner)
- Max Stirner - an Anarchist Pedagogue ?
Dora Marsden - "The Stirner of Feminism" ?
(in English)
- "Stirner, the thinker so readily laughed at..." (J.v. Kempski)
- Silvio Gesell and Max Stirner
- The Anarcho-capitalists and Max Stirner
- From Stirner to Kant: Gerhard Lehmann
- »Stirner-Studien« (Stirner Studies, a book series)
- Service:
- Max Stirner: The Ego and Its Own (full text in English)
- Responses to »Der Einzige und sein Eigentum« by:
- Szeliga [and Bruno Bauer (anonymous)]
- Ludwig Feuerbach (in English)
- Moses Hess
Max Stirner: Stirner's Critics (in English, abridged)
Max Stirner: Parerga, Kritiken, Repliken (Minor Writings, in German)
Max Stirner: ["Habt nur den Mut, destruktiv zu sein..."] ("Have the courage to be destructive...")
Wilhelm Reich
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Wilhelm Reich - without Freud, Marx, Orgone
(texte en français)
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The Negation of the Irrational Super-ego in Wilhelm Reich
- Sigmund Freud versus Wilhelm Reich
- Wilhelm Reich - the "Case" (the book »Der 'Fall' Wilhelm Reich«) Biblio
- Otto Fenichel - the "Rundbriefe" (circular letters, 1934-45) Biblio
- Wilhelm Reich as Sexologist
(abstract in English)
- Wilhelm Reich as Researcher of Fascism
- Wilhelm Reich as "Rationalist"
- The Wilhelm Reich Anniversary (1897-1927-1957-1997)
- On the Status of Reich's theory (1980)
- Wilhelm-Reich-Blätter (1975-1982)
(a journal, ed. by Bernd A. Laska)
- LSR as an "anarchist" project
- Nietzsche's initial crisis (due to confrontation with Stirner's book in Oct 1865)
- Otto Gross between Max Stirner and Wilhelm Reich
- re La Mettrie
- A repatriation that failed
re: the edition of La Mettrie's »uvres philosophiques« by Fayard
La Mettrie - rapatriement raté (en français)
- re: Pfister/Zweifel: Pornosophie und Imachination
Sade - La Mettrie - Hegel
- re Stirner
- Stirner - a trivial egoist? (concerning the debate on Stirner and Gesell)
- The history of the editions of Stirner's »Der Einzige und sein Eigentum«
- re Reich
- Review -- Wilhelm Reich: Menschen im Staat (ed. 1995) [=People in trouble]
- Review -- Jerome Greenfield: USA gegen Wilhelm Reich [=USA versus Wilhelm Reich]
- Review -- Mairowitz/Gonzales: Wilhelm Reich - kurz und knapp [=Reich for beginners]
- Letter to the editor re Henryk M. Broder: Orgonon - Reichs letztes Heim
- Review -- Harry Mulisch: Das sexuelle Bollwerk
- Letter to the editor re Stefan Blankertz: Wilhelm Reich - fast ein libertärer Märtyrer
Seminário Wilhelm Reich, São Paulo, novembro 2002
- re Stirner and Reich
- A strange advertisement and its stranges consequences
- »Picked up !«
Quotations concerning
- LSR-Christian Fernandes
- »Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie und Sexualökonomie« (1934-38)
(a journal, ed. by Wilhelm Reich)