a paraphilosophical project






LSR on the one hand stands for the names:
La Mettrie, Julien O. de (1709-1751)
Stirner, Max (1806-1856)
Reich, Wilhelm (1897-1957).

These three authors have in the opinion of historians of ideas and of philosophy the lowest possible reputation and are mentioned at best marginally. La Mettrie is considered a crude mechanist-materialist, Stirner an exaggerated Young Hegelian or an individualist anarchist, and Reich a sex-obsessed Freudo-Marxist or an esoteric natural researcher ("orgone"). The reason for placing them, and only them (their works and impacts), into the centre of this project cannot be summarised here in a few words. The LSR project in any case does not aim at a mere rehabilitation of these surely misjudged thinkers -- it aims much further.

Therefore, the LSR project is to be understood only secondarily as a project concerning the history of ideas and philosophy. It developed after a thorough evaluation of the enlightening, critical, progressive, rational, scientific, etc. philosophies, a passing through which did not result in resignation, in falling back to a superseded position, or in so-called postmodernity. After its completion, philosophy in a traditional sense, if not able to be delegated to a scientific branch of knowledge, will be superfluous. For this reason, the final result (which still has to be worked out) will no longer appropriately be called philosophy -- but paraphilosophy. (*)

The concentration on just those three authors L/S/R is most suitable because of the extraordinary way the contemporary representatives of the more radical, i.e. atheistic mainstream of enlightenment thinking (e.g. Diderot, Marx, Freud) reacted to them: "D/M/F" avoided any public discussion of L/S/R's ideas and managed without difficulty to turn L/S/R into cultural unpersons.  The "great consensus" against L/S/R is built upon a basis which the atheistic illuminates or rationalists have in common even with their deistic, theistic or theologic adversaries: the "anthropological" certainty that becoming a human being in each single case requires his/her enculturation, and that this consists in the introjection - by mainly unconsciously and irrationally working methods - of the moral rules and values of her/his cultural environment. A Human being is only s/he who is subjected to a "Super-Ego" internalised in such a way. L/S/R, on the other hand - and only they - share a conviction which seems to be the ultimate sacrilege: that this way of becoming a human being has to be eliminated in the course of the historical process of enlightenment; that humanity's true and real "leaving the status of minority" follows the imperative: super-ego esse delendum !

LSR thus on the other hand stands for

Paraphilosophy is a word that, until recently, was barely used -- rightly so, because before, no one had managed to develop thoughts that, while arising from an original "philosophical" impetus, left the area of philosophy and, unable to be delegated to any science, occupy a place without. This only became possible today after the breakdown of the victorious [sic!] Enlightenment of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries (and the misinterpretations of this breakdown). A conclusive definition of "paraphilosophy" should in all fairness not be expected here.
(It would be a rash mistake to interpret the paraphilosophy of the LSR project as being designed analogous to the newer parasciences or the somewhat older parapsychology.)

Copyright 2001-2024 © by Bernd A. Laska
a paraphilosophical project

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